“Even the most eminent persons are subject to the laws of gravity.” –Winston Churchill
Pilots should be familiar with the BGA's Safe Winch Launching and Safe Aerotowing guidance. Be aware of your pilot currency and follow Managing flying risk.
Pilots should also be familiar with our Risk Register
All monthly Safety Topic of the Month briefings can be found here.
All Safety newsletters, which are published at irregular intervals, can be found here.
To report a minor incident, use Flysafe. You can also download Flysafe user manual from there. Anyone can report an incident or near miss, and no blame is apportioned. If an aircraft is seriously damaged or someone is injured, the incident or accident must be reported: Contact the safety officer.
In case of an accident, use the SGC Emergency Response flowchart, followed by the Emergency Action Plan. Copies of both are available at the launch point, the clubroom and the office. There is further detailed guidance in the Post Accident Guide.
Safety Procedures
There a number of safety procedures, called Safe Systems at Work (SSoW) (this is a requirement by the Health and Safety Executive). Some of these only relate to employees, but as a volunteer organisation, they also apply to any member doing work at the club.
Currently we have the following SSoWs: