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9. Operation of Powered Aircraft

This section details the SGC’s procedure for the operation of powered aircraft based at Portmoak Airfield and for visiting aircraft.

9.1 Aims

  1. To ensure at all times the safety of all persons engaged in flying activities at Portmoak, whether airborne or on the ground.
  2. To safeguard the best interests of the gliding club whilst taking account of insurance limitations and noise abatement requirements.

9.2 General

  1. With the exception of visiting aircraft, all pilots flying PIC in powered aircraft must be full members of the Scottish Gliding Centre (SGC) and active gliding members who hold a Bronze plus CCE as a minimum, maintaining 5 hours gliding flight time as PIC, with a minimum of 15 launches in any preceding 24 months. From 8th December 2023 at the latest they will be required to maintain a valid SPL (Sailplane Pilot Licence). They require the recommendation of the CFI before being permitted to operate light powered aircraft at Portmoak.
  2. By joining the SGC, members agree that they will operate within the privileges of their licence, whilst complying with the current ANO/SERA/RotA and any local rules in force at the time. They also agree that they will comply with necessary medical and currency requirements. A copy of this medical must be passed to the office before flying.
  3. The club requires all pilots to check weather and NOTAMs prior to flying. Facilities are provided at the club to enable pilots to familiarise themselves with local club rules and protocols before flying.
  4. No commercial flying operations are permitted at Portmoak. Remuneration for the provision of flight instruction shall only be with authorisation from the board.
  5. All flight training undertaken at Portmoak shall be authorised by the CFI.
  6. The hire of powered aircraft based at Portmoak to non-members of the SGC is not permitted.
  7. All powered aircraft flying to and from Portmoak must have a valid Certificate of Airworthiness, an Airworthiness Review Certificate (or Permit to Fly for LAA aircraft) and a Certificate of Insurance.
  8. All powered departures from Portmoak – including TMG and SLMG – are to be logged on the booking out sheet provided in the clubhouse entrance lobby and all entries to the log are to be signed off on return. Pilots are strongly advised that where an aircraft is not scheduled for return the same day that they contact the intended destination with details of their flight plan in order that appropriate action may be taken should they fail to arrive as scheduled. See also main site briefing notes.
  9. In the event of an accident or Incident, the airfield Duty Supervisor is to be informed at the earliest opportunity. In the absence of a supervisor details are to be passed to the CFI and Safety Officer without delay.

9.2.1 Powered Flying Runways


9.3 Training

  1. Limited powered aircraft training will be permitted from Portmoak airfield but attention is drawn to 9.2 paragraph 4 .
  2. Ab initio training is permitted for NPPL SLMG or TMG extension to LAPL(S)/SPL only. No PPL SEP or NPPL SSEA ab initio training is to be undertaken from the airfield. Refer 9.2 paragraph 5.
  3. Where training involves the operation of single engine piston aircraft other than SLMG and TMG this shall be limited to differences training for type conversion, licence revalidation flights and tug pilot coaching only.
  4. Consideration should be given to the intensity of gliding operations at the time and the potential for conflict before powered aircraft training training is carried out.
  5. Powered flying in the circuit should be minimised, usually to no more than 3 “touch and go” (T&G) passes. When more T&Gs are essential for training the session should be limited to 30 minutes. In all cases between sorties of 3 circuits or 30 minutes, there must be a break of 60 minutes.
  6. Pilots wishing to embark on NPPL SLMG or TMG extension training must be qualified glider pilots and in current gliding practice as defined at paragraph 1 above.
  7. Pilots who have embarked on NPPL SLMG or TMG extension training or who are exercising the privileges of an existing powered aircraft licence should have current gliding experience at Portmoak and be active contributors to the club.
  8. Should any aircraft be operated recklessly, inconsiderately or in such a manner that it is likely to cause complaints from the local community or visitors to the area, the CFI and the board reserve the right to withdraw the pilot’s permission to operate from Portmoak.

9.4 Radio Procedures

  1. The channel in use at Portmoak is 122.915 (the CGFF) and this channel is to be used for all calls in and prior to joining and in the circuit. As 122.915 is a shared channel, the word “Portmoak” should be used in all transmissions to avoid confusion.
  2. All powered aircraft entering the circuit should make blind calls for Downwind and Finals and should transmit details of circuit orientation (LH/RH) and the intended runway number as well as landing area, e.g. ‘Portmoak Traffic. Golf-Tango-Hotel downwind right hand for North strip, runway 28 North’ refer Powered Flying runways.
  3. Ground Based radio operators are allowed to pass flight safety information only and are not allowed to give take-off or landing clearance. They are not permitted to issue instructions or QFE/QNH information.
  4. Any advice from ground radio or other aircraft must be considered as advice only and used accordingly.
  5. Notwithstanding the likelihood of intense gliding traffic, some gliders may not be fitted with radio and therefore an excellent lookout is essential when flying in or near the circuit. Pilots should be aware of the potential for ongoing aerotowing activity.
  6. Aircraft re-joining the circuit from outside should change to channel 122.915 five to ten miles out and pass re-joining information. Where possible pre-landing checks should be completed early so that full attention may be given to lookout whilst flying in the circuit.

9.5 Taxiing

  1. Much of the airfield at Portmoak is undulating, uneven, and very frequently soft. Pilots should be familiar with soft field techniques for taxiing, take-off and landing especially in tailwheel aircraft.
  2. Pilots should make themselves aware of crosswind and surface wind limits for their aircraft and comply accordingly. Wing walkers/rudder holders may be needed for motor gliders. The maximum surface wind speed and other issues such as turbulence and crosswind component require careful consideration.
  3. Taxiing aircraft should be presented to the ash tracks at an angle such that the two main undercarriage legs arrive separately to prevent undue stresses on the undercarriage structure.
  4. When traversing ash tracks this should be with the throttle closed where possible to prevent stones being picked up by the propeller.
  5. When taxiing tail dragger aircraft with limited forward vision, regular clearance turns are to be made to ensure that there are no obstacles ahead.
  6. Where the winch launch control point is located in or adjacent to the intended taxi route, extreme caution is to be exercised. Attention is drawn to Winch Operations paras 6 and 7 (crossing winch cables). Taxiing should be routed in front of the launch point caravan. If routing to the rear of the caravan becomes necessary, pilots are to be aware of the increased risk to bystanders some of whom may not be familiar with airfield operations. Taxiing is not permitted until a clear route has been established and this may require the assistance of launch point officials. Where a clear route cannot be established then the aircraft shall hold clear of the winch launch area and be shutdown until the problem has been resolved.

9.6 Winch Operations

  1. In general powered aircraft operations should be from the North Field to avoid conflict with winching operations.
  2. Where other conditions prevent use of the North Field, parallel operations may take place from the centre strip. This will be at the discretion of the airfield Duty Instructor who will brief the pilots concerned. Such operations will normally be limited to the SGC tugs and restricted departures/arrivals of other powered aircraft. Powered aircraft circuit training is not permitted under these circumstances.
  3. Where parallel operations are taking place, pilots should make themselves aware of the location of the cable tow-out vehicle and winch launch cables prior to departure.
  4. Pilots must not depart if a simultaneous glider winch launch is taking place - even if operating from the N strip. Operation of the winch will be evident as the amber roof light flashes when cables are live. If there is any uncertainty over winch launch status, radio contact should be established with the winch driver on 122.915. If a winch launch is pending, departure should not be commenced until it has been completed with the winch cable fully retrieved and the glider at a safe altitude. Cable retrieval may take some time if a launch has been terminated prematurely; the cable may also be lying across an intended take-off run.
  5. Under no circumstances are cables to be overflown during a take-off or landing run. A minimum of 30 metres lateral separation from the cables should be observed at all times.
  6. Crossing of winch cables under power is only permitted when taxiing adjacent to the launch caravan where traversing to the rear of the launch point is likely to endanger personnel and where it is impractical to retrieve cables. Before approaching cables, radio contact is to be established with the winch driver (if in attendance) to inform him of your intentions. If gliders are lined up in preparation for launch then cables should not be crossed but rather crossing aircraft should wait until both launches are completed and cables are clear.
  7. Extreme caution is to be exercised when crossing winch cables. Pilots should positively confirm by looking in both 5 and 7 o’clock positions, or with the assistance of a third party if necessary, that they have successfully cleared the cables and that cables are not being dragged before proceeding beyond the launch point particularly if people are around or potentially handling the cables.

9.7 Circuit Procedure

  1. Circuit direction is discretionary.
  2. Circuit height and scale should be consistent with prevailing traffic conditions at the time and should not oppose the prevailing gliding circuit orientation.
  3. Circuits should not be flown outside of the gliding circuit as at some point this will involve the need to cross glider traffic so final approaches should not be unduly extended.
  4. No overhead joins are to be performed below 3000 ft aal due to the potential for winch cables in the area.
  5. All pre-flight checks should be conducted whilst clear of the runway and at approximately 90 degrees to the intended take-off run to allow visual confirmation that it is safe to enter the runway.
  6. Entry to the active runway should be preceded by a radio call and a short pause to allow any conflicting traffic an opportunity to respond.

9.8 Visiting Aircraft

  1. Single Engine Piston aircraft are permitted to visit Portmoak with PPR and in accordance with the conditions contained in this procedure. Telephone Portmoak office on 01592 840543.
  2. Arrivals should be recorded where possible by the gliding Duty Pilot or log keeper. The Arrivals book (in the club office) should also be updated with relevant details.
  3. Landing fees are payable and accounts are to be settled prior to departure. Where the office is unmanned, flight details and payment are to be posted in the night safe. Tariffs for landing fees and fuel withdrawn are published on the SGC website and in the clubhouse.

9.9 Tug Operations

Glider aerotowing operations will be ongoing from time to time. Pilots should be aware that the tow plane will often not complete conventional circuits and that tow plane circuits may be low and tight and landings may be made on a reciprocal heading.

9.10 Fuel

  1. Avgas is available to club members at Portmoak airfield. Any fuel supplied is logged and will be charged periodically to member accounts.
  2. The sale of Avgas from the fuel storage tank by club members to third parties is not permitted.
  3. Visiting aircraft supplied with Avgas at Portmoak will be charged at the time and full payment is due prior to aircraft departure. The office will provide guidance on refuelling.

9.11 Noise Abatement



The SGC is primarily a gliding club and not a power club and is dependent on ongoing good relations with its neighbours and the local community, therefore:

  1. Overflying of residential areas at low level is not permitted.
  2. Where the circuit downwind leg is flown over the village of Scotlandwell, the village is to be overflown at a height such that the noise nuisance is minimised and where possible with a low power setting or with the throttle at idle.
  3. During East wind operations, climb outs are to be conducted clear of built-up areas, i.e. Scotlandwell, Auchmuir Bridge, and Ballingry. See adjacent figures.
  4. All climb outs on a westerly heading are to be flown over Loch Leven or the shoreline to a minimum altitude of 1000 ft. When aerotowing to Bishop Hill, tug pilots should plan to release gliders clear of the villages of Scotlandwell and Kinnesswood and where possible over or adjacent to the loch shore.
  5. Powered aircraft aerobatics are normally not permitted within 5 nm of the airfield.

9.12 Supervision

All power licensed pilots may be self authorising. However, low air time pilots with less than 20 hours P1 are required to obtain a pre-flight briefing from a motor gliding instructor or CRI. As a minimum, low air time pilots should obtain a briefing on prevailing local conditions from the airfield Lead Instructor.

8. New Members | Contents | A. Duty Pilot Briefing Notes

airfieldmanual/9._operation_of_powered_aircraft.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/21 09:09 by