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More Information

We have many, many useful bits of information for our Pilots, both local and visiting. Below are links to those not directly available from the start page:

  • Gift Aid Form (pdf)
  • Welcome to the SGC (pdf) - an introductory booklet for new members;
  • Solo test paper (pdf);
  • SGU Memorandum of Association (pdf);
  • SGU Articles of Association (pdf);
  • SGU Expenses Policy (pdf);
  • SGC Tariff 2021 pdf
  • Becoming an Inspector (pdf) - Jim Thompson's presentation;
  • BGA website members' area - packed with information for UK glider pilots;
  • BGA XC Ladder - Cross country files from across the UK;
  • FAI Sporting Code Section 3 (pdf) - badge flight rules;
  • Glider Airworthiness (pdf) - Jim Thompson's presentation;
  • Gliding and the Mind (pdf) - Tony Spirling's presentation;
  • Letter of Agreement between NATS, Scottish, RAF and BGA for crossing P600 and N864 - 2019 version (pdf);
  • Talks 18/19 presentation:
    • Alex's country presentation;
    • Phil's NZ Gliding;
    • Phil's See You and Oudie;
  • 8.33 kHz Frequency (pdf)
  • XCSoar and Airspace - slides from Kate Byrne's talk;
  • Kate's How to download airspace
lots_more.1654511302.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/06 10:28 by sallyw