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Cadet Scholarship Scheme


The Cadet Scholarship Scheme at the Scottish Gliding Centre, founded by Bob Jones, is generously supported by our members. This subsidy allows young people to learn to glide at a reduced cost, encouraging the development of the next generation of glider pilots and club members.

We aim to encourage cadets to further their flying ability through instructing, coaching and mentorship.

We also aim to foster their skills and interests in other areas such as aerobatics, aircraft maintenence, airfield operations etc.


The cadet scheme is currently capped at 10 cadets at of July 2024.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the cadet scheme you must:

  • Aready be a Junior member of the SGC or on a Learn to Glide Packge
  • Be between the ages of 13 and 17
  • Demonstrate a financial need or through voliunteer effort at the club


Our young members represent the future of the club and are expected to:

  1. Commitment - be keen to learn and further your flying ability, as well as coming to the airfield on a regular basis (once every 2 weeks)
  2. Volunteer - cadets are expected to help out on the airfield or with other airfield tasks
  3. Full day attendance - gliding is a full day activity and cadets will be expected to be at the airfield for briefing
  4. Good Conduct - cadets will be expected to maintain good conduct with fellow cadets and other members of the SGC

If cadets fall short of these expectations, then it is possible the cadet scholarship may be offered to another prospective cadet so it's important that cadets meet the above requirements to maintain their place on the scholarship scheme and keep in contact with the Cadet Director if they have a change in circumstances.

Application Process

Applications to the cadet scheme will open once every 3 months while there are free spaces to ensure we give new Junior members the opportunity to apply.

  1. Application to the Cadet Director
  2. Informal Interview
  3. Decision

If an application is unsucesful, the member will continue to be a Junior member and will still benefit from the subsidised annual membersip fee.

cadet_scholarship_scheme.1720880026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/13 14:13 by stephenc