{{:lochearnhead.jpg?640x480|lochearnhead.jpg}} ====== Members and Visiting Pilot's Information ====== "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. … Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that presents the difficulties." –//Douglas Adams// ===== Members and Visitors Essential Reading ===== If you are a current member of the Scottish Gliding Centre, or a visitor wishing to visit our airfield, please ensure you familiarise yourself with our current operations via our airfield manual, safety procedures and reporting options, and how you book in. All links required are below: ==== Current Operations ==== * [[:airfieldmanual:start|AIRFIELD MANUAL]] ==== ==== ==== Safety Procedures and Reporting ==== We have designed and developed a key reporting method for any safety-related matters arising on the airfield which is FlySafe. This is to ensure we can learn from any issues and are constantly being assessed and communicated via our Safety Newsletter. We would like to encourage our members to highlight areas we as a club need to look at and work together to improve. * [[:safety:start|Safety]] * [[https://www.scottishgliding.com/flysafe.php?club=1|FlySafe]] * [[:safety:newsletter|Safety Newsletters]] * [[:safety:topicofthemonth|Safety Topic of the Month]] ==== ==== ==== How to Book In ==== * We operate a booking system Click'n'Glide for booking into our airfield. * This will enable you to see our daily operations (eg instructor availability, tug/winch operation, forum notes), and enable you to book in. * When activating your account, please leave your membership number at the end of your surname. * [[https://clicknglide.com/en/yourclub|Click'n'Glide]] === Visitors === * You must have a membership number and have been invited to access Click'n'Glide via our office. * If you have never visited us before or need to update your details to an existing visitor membership number, please fill in the following Form and notify the office to receive your visitor number (Email - [[office@scottishglidingcentre.co.uk|]]) * [[https://forms.gle/1rHjGgJQt7xp7iui9|Visitor Request Form]] ===== Access your Flying Account ===== Aerolog is our onlione system used to view your flights and check your flying account. Please also find the link to our current tariff sheet detailing the costs of flying at Portmoak. * [[https://www.datamodusaerolog.co.uk/ScottishGC|Aerolog - Glider Logging and Member Information System]] * [[:governance:start#tariff|Tariff]] ===== Essential Paperwork ===== You can usually find the paperwork you need on the table in the clubhouse. Please use the below links to print off these forms: * {{:solotheorytestv7.pdf|Pre-Solo Theory Test}} * {{:annualbiennialcheckform.pdf|Annual/Biennial Checks Form}} The following links are for our training cards. **Please Note **- these are printed on coloured card as indicated which you can get from the office. * {{:pre-qualified_card_v1.1_yellow_.pdf|Pre-qualified training card (Yellow)}} * {{:sgc_groundhandling_v3_green_.pdf|Ground-handling training card (Green)}} * {{:postsolo_bluecard_v2.1.pdf|Post-solo pilot development card (Blue)}} ==== ==== ====== Weather and Webcams ====== * [[:weather:portmoak_webcams|Portmoak Webcams]] * [[:weather:weather_links|Weather & Flarm Links]] * [[:weather:weather_station|Weather Station]] * [[:weather:webcams_around_scotland|Webcams Around Scotland]] ==== ==== ====== Cross Country Pilots ====== * [[:xc:start|XC - Cross Country]] ==== ==== ====== Junior Members & Cadet Scholarship Scheme ====== * [[:information_for_junior_members|Information for Junior Members]] * [[:cadet_scholarship_scheme|Cadet Scholarship Scheme]] * [[:cadet_junior_week|Cadet & Junior Week]] * {{:phil_dolan_bursary_application.pdf|Phil Dolan Bursary Application}} - applications up to £250 for training, and up to £300 for competitions and expeditions * The club child protection policy is given in Section 3.1.2 of the Operations Manual, {{:cpp_excerpt_of_om.pdf|cpp_excerpt_of_om.pdf}} ====== Contact the Board ====== * [[:board|Board & Other Contacts]] * [[:governance:committees:start|Committees]] - these are each lead by a Board Member. ==== ==== ====== Our Club ====== * {{:governance:sgu_articles_of_association_april_2023.pdf|Articles of Association}} * {{:volunteering_handbook_february_2025.pdf|Volunteer Handbook}} * [[:history|A Brief History of the Scottish Gliding Centre]] * [[:aircraft:start|Aircraft information]] * {{:governance:hangar_slot_allocation_policy_dec_2020.pdf|Hanger Slot Allocation Policy}} * The Caravan Site has it's own [[https://pilots.scottishglidingcentre.co.uk/governance/caravansite|rules]]. * [[https://walkingonair.org.uk|Walking on Air - Soar like birds… Disability gliding at its best]] * [[:aerolog_user_guides|Aerolog User Guides]] * [[:winch|Winch Driver Manual]] ===== Internal News and Social Media - Keep up to date with your club ===== * [[:newsletters|Newsletters]] - [[:newsletters#safety|Safety]], [[:newsletters#the_gliders|The Gliders]], and the [[:newsletters#pmk_press_archives|Portmoak Press archives]] * [[https://sgcforum.scottishglidingcentre.com/|Members Forum]] * Members Instant Mailing List * [[https://scottishglidingcentre.co.uk/|Scottish Gliding Centre]] * [[https://scottishglidingcentre.co.uk/news/|SGC Latest News]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCscNvp66peKC9BrtcWxmDZw|YouTube - our channel]] * [[:evening_talks:start|Evening Talks]] ===== Other Useful Links ===== * [[https://www.gliding.co.uk/|British Gliding Association (BGA)]] * [[:condor:start|Condor & Simulato]]r ==== ====