====== Welcome! ====== If you are a new young member of the Scottish Gliding Centre, welcome to Portmoak! This page aims to give information and guidance to our young members at the SGC. ====== Contacts ====== - Stephen Clinton - Cadet & Junior Director - cadets@scottishglidingcentre.com - Kate Byrne - Cadet & Junior Deputy ====== The Cadet Scholarship Scheme ====== Any Junior member of the SGC can apply for the Cadet Scholarship Scheme - more information can be found [[https://pilots.scottishglidingcentre.co.uk/cadet_scholarship_scheme|here]]. ====== Cadet & Junior Week ====== Held once a year, all members between 13-26 are welcome to attend. More information can be found [[https://pilots.scottishglidingcentre.co.uk/cadet_junior_week|on the cadet and junior week page.]]